Saturday, February 24, 2007

Talk about a writer's block

Emily and I have been struggling writing this play for weeks.
And I think it's finally getting to her.

Name says:
whats that thing..the represenatives..are they the ones who have to attend those meetings?
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
the looooong boooooring meetings
Name says:
okay the mom should be like "oh noes i have that meeting today but i cant go because im stuck in my indifferent daughter's body!"
Name says:
what a predicament!
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
srsly Em,
what mother talks like that?


Shae is coming to visit me at the end of March

I miss Shae Skands

Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
i havent seen you since laaast laaast summer, have I?
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
when your head was mangled up
The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There's too much at stake, and life is too short for lies. says:
i dont remember my head being mangled up
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
when you fell
and you couldnt leave the house
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
so Rachel and I came over
The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There's too much at stake, and life is too short for lies. says:
ooohhh yeah haha
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
and watched crappy movies with you
The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There's too much at stake, and life is too short for lies. says:
when i had my concusion
The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There's too much at stake, and life is too short for lies. says:
Sin City
The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There's too much at stake, and life is too short for lies. says:
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
and Jenine said blond things and we laughed at her
The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There's too much at stake, and life is too short for lies. says:
that was a while ago
The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There's too much at stake, and life is too short for lies. says:
Jenine always does
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
Thats because she's Jenine
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
she always has
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
even when we were, like, 4
The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There's too much at stake, and life is too short for lies. says:
The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There's too much at stake, and life is too short for lies. says:
"lets eat rocks"
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
good times.
you thought you were a boy
and Jenine ate rocks while I stole Chelsea's barbies
The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There's too much at stake, and life is too short for lies. says:
The world is too fragile for people to be untrue. There's too much at stake, and life is too short for lies. says:
those were some good times

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Just found my old blog.
Blast from the past...
as in... september and earlier.
All the way to grade10.
Like, the week after my mom died.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Words Words Words

I've been thinking lately of how quickly I gave up my dreams of becoming a writer.
It's like it was what was always expected of me, and I didn't want to be the same old predictable boring Molly. On the other hand, sometimes I wonder if I held onto it as long as I did simply because I thought it was what "mom would want".
I love to write. That will never change.
I love words and how I can manipulate them to speak the words I could never say out loud.
I just wish I knew what I wanted to do with life. I want to have a real purpose.
I know I'll always have a purpose as a Christian, but I want to be seen as meaningful and appreciated outside that sect.
In bible study today I pretty much had a breakdown. Everything about my mom and myself just came out in a floodgate release that would make fish tremble.
I'm so blessed with those people there. Shawn mentioned that we become who we surround ourselves with, and I thought how lucky I am to be surrounded by those people.
Carlye held my hand through all of it and told me how she loved me. And Caitlyn was able to plead for me, the way I haven't been able to.
Deanna came to me afterwards and told me she could feel what I felt when I talked about my mom. Now I'm not so scared to present my testimony because I know that some of the stuff I mention in it can really reach people. It was a horribly fark part of my life, but I'm willing to dig it all up if I'm able to get through to people.
Then it's completely with it.
I'm not gonna lie. I'm pretty much just stoked now.

Wow. I'm talking like Caitlyn Spence.
I need some more friends with a wider vocabulary.

Sooo tired.
No school tomorrow.
<3I love life.
It's totally official.

Adios my loyal chickas and papa citos


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Rachel; Rachie-pants-s; RaeRae; Satchel; Rolly; Machel

So I spent an hour or so today talking to Rachel in Sharkies about all these crazy things we did at our first sleepover. We laughed so hard we were crying. The time when we made potato people when we were 12 and then made them into hashbrowns.
"ESMERELDA!" and Bananagirl. It was pretty much the greatest thing ever. I never fully appreciate how much we've been through until
after these crazy conversations.
Today I also went over my testimony with Shawn and he'd stop me while I was reading and ask me questions until he got the core scary stuff.
At the bits about Rachel he stopped me and asked me WHY she was such a big part at that time in my life.
And it was like "because she's Rachel. She was my everything.I never felt whole without her." and then I realized how much she really DID help me when I needed her during the stuff with my mom. She cried when I told her my dad had run off again. I cried when she told me Roo had died. My emails from family always include "send Rachel our love" and I call her Grandma... Grandma. We've gotten lost in Metrotown. We've gotten lost a block away from my Oma's house. But at least we're always together for it all.
She has always been my first call. The one I call when something bad or good happens. The first person I wanted to see when Ben kissed me, the first person I needed to see when he dumped me.
And even though we've had a lot of fights and we drive eachother crazy half the time, we can still sit in a cafeteria crying about the time we almost blew up my oven and watched that retarded llama cartoon forever.
Alone it was lame, but together everything was amazing.

I love that girl so completely and I'd be dead without her.

...and my stories wouldn't be half as funny without her being a part of them

Monday, February 19, 2007

Have I mentioned that I love my friends and my life and my...eeek!

My Upcoming Week

Tues - Pancake breakfast at school (to celebrate the chinese new year. We also got fortune cookies today... our VP's wife is chinese)
- Lunch with Shawn

Wed - Beautifying my hair with Caitlyn
- Bible study(ies)

Thurs - Nothing .... yet. But I shall plan something.... so there.

Fri - COUCH-A-FRICKIN-THON (best not to ask)

Sat - Clothes Drive for jobies

Sun - Church

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Don't Stop

Don't stop sucking me in,
Making me come back to you.
No one will ever compare,
Will ever be better than you.

Stupid Friends

Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
what day is bens birthday?
--Jessy-- says:
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
its either today or tomorrow
--Jessy-- says:
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
i thought you didnt know
--Jessy-- says:
--Jessy-- says:
im off bye
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
you cant just leave a conversation like that jessica carmen alexander!!!!

Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
why would Taylor tell you that he would see me this weekend
Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
he's so retarded
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
i don't know!
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
maybe he meant NEXT weekend
Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
why would I see him NEXT weekend?
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
i dont know
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
calm down
Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
calm down!?
Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
are you kidding!?
Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
I'm so chill!
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
it seemed like the right thing to say
Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
you are ridiculous.
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
the only things i know to say when someone is asking questions i don't know the answer to are 'calm down' and 'pray about it'
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
it's one of my setbacks as a person
Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
"I'mma eat
Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
no one has answered my question!
Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
what was it?
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
calm down and pray about it
Caitlyn and the Illinoisemakers says:
Good Golly [Miss Molly] <> says:
i hate you so much right now