Friday, May 1, 2009

Drew a line into the sand, jumped across and held your hand

I am really excited about the future. Like, really really. 
I know that I've mentioned this before, but I'm not sure if I've REALLY mentioned how much the future excites me. I have never felt this way before. The future has always been the enemy. This dark cloaked thing that loomed ahead of me. I am so excited about this new, fresh canvas spread out before me... everything seems to limitless. I am so excited to spend my life singing and dancing and speak for the Lord. What a blessing it is! 
It's scary, infinitely so; a new place with new people, none of which I actually know.... but I cannot WAIT. I mean, how lucky am I? To spend a summer with people whom I love, kids I adore beyong belief, telling them that Jesus lived, died, and CAME BACK for US. To move across the country and continue doing it. What a blessing! Praise Jesus.