Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I guess for me this is enough

Mols Broken hearts like promises are left for lesser knowns says:
Chelle, I don't want to like him!
Mols Broken hearts like promises are left for lesser knowns says:
but I do, don't I
Chelle says:
thought that might be an issue
Mols Broken hearts like promises are left for lesser knowns says:

Monday, May 26, 2008

Forces of Nature

"I always thought that there was this one perfect person for everybody in the world. And when you found that person the rest of the world kind of magically faded away. And, you know, the two of you would just be inside this kind of protective bubble. But there is no bubble. I mean, if there is you have to make it. I just think life is more than a series of moments. You know, we can make choices. And we can choose to protect the people we love, and that's what makes us who we are. Those are the real memories."

This is the correlation of salvation and love

So today I went on a grand adventure to Victoria with Chelle.
We had a fantastic time, and at some point during the trip, I realized even more so how truly incredible she is. Like, I've always known it, but little things about her reveal themselves the more years I know her. She's always been there for me through everything since the day we met. She got me through everything with my dad, and everything else since. Even when we grew apart temporarily, as soon as things cleared up, she was sure to make up for lost time.
Sometimes I feel like if everyone else kind of faded away, I still think I'd be okay, because I have her. Not in like, a totally dependent way. Just that she's always there, even when everything is a complete tornado around her. Like she just loves without barriers. And sometimes even without just cause. Kay, I think I'm done now.

ps. I got a really awesome bathing suit today, too!