Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Many Rules of Prom

Molly -|-A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing-|- says:
i had to sign a bunch of forms saying my prom date wouldn't trash stuff or bring drugs or alcohol or beat up people or kick puppies
Molly -|-A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing-|- says:
and if you do they, like, kick me out of school or something
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
kick puppies
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
well you might be getting kicked out of nd cuz all i do is kick puppies
Molly -|-A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing-|- says:
thats what worried me
your puppy kicking addiction

# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
its hard to kick
Molly -|-A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing-|- says:
Tyler, the first step is admitting you have a problem
Molly -|-A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing-|- says:
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
i have to go to PKA
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
puppy kickers anonymous

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


So basically I just love Michelle *freakin* Latour.
She is the most amazing person I have ever come in contact with...
well, at least, besides my mom who's livin it up with Jesus right now... which puts her pretty high p there on the "rad" list...
Anyway, back to the wonder that is Michelle.
She's there for me 100% and is always supportive and never judgmental or critiquing
or... anything but wonderful.
And it's not just me... she's a complete gem to anyone she come in contact with. (well except for one person *I bought you France* but that person is a total n00b-ette so let's just let that one slide)
She's always smiling... or when she isn't; when she's totally depressed and heartbroken, she still manages to be a terrific person.
I cannot even describe how much I love and appreciate this girl and I don't even know what I'd do without her.
I'd probably not even be in existence.
Thank you for being an amazing best friend and I love you more than anything Michellie.
xoxoxo Molly

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Oh my sweet Taryn

Molly ][A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.][ says:
amazingly cute boys
Taryn (F) :. 1day.3months .:. i wish i could do it like a boy .: says:
thats good :D
Molly ][A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.][ says:
darn tootin
Molly ][A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.][ says:
did i just say that
Taryn (F) :. 1day.3months .:. i wish i could do it like a boy .: says:
Taryn (F) :. 1day.3months .:. i wish i could do it like a boy .: says:
like a true wanna-be redneck

Life's a Show

You know what?
I'm ending this now.
I'm not looking back.
Things will never be like they used to be...
I'll never be back in grade 9 and things would suck more
than they do now if I hadn't left.
And things don't suck. I love everyone here so much.
People care about me and I'm just brushing it all off lately.
I am so incredibly blessed and to focus on anything but that would be
a waste. The fact is, things may have been cool there before my mom died.
And they probably still would be if she hadn't. But she did, and it changed me.
I'm glad I changed. I'm a different person now. Not better, just different.
All those people will always mean a lot to me. Shannon, Janelle, Chelsey, Meg...
but I'm not moving backwards. I have anew life.
I can keep my old friends, and I always will... but I have to stop
thinking of them as a separate part of my life.
I only have one life... and my life is in Nanaimo.
With my friends here, and with everyone from my past.
Who knows where life will lead me?
I definitely don't, but I'm stoked to find out.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Yes, even stars break

So I've been looking back a lot.
It's something I never really do.
I probably overthink things too much:
things I do and say... I beat myself up about everything all the time.
But I never look back.
Until now.
I've gotten in touch with a lot of old friends in a very short amount of time...
during that some gaps have been created between myself and some of my current friends.
Most of them are my fault and I'm probably the only one who sees them.
But they're there... for me anyway.
Now I find myself wondering what would have happened if I had stayed in Qualicum.
I obviously wouldn't have the love for God that I do now.
And let's be honest, that would suck.
I can't help but wonder what exactly that would mean though.
I find myself thinking about all the people that have made an impact on my life.
Then there's me.
What have I really done?
Who has actually benefited from my involvement in their life?
If I was still in Qualicum I know that things would not be great.
I was talking to Chelsey, who was one of my only good friends I still had when I left.
The rest just seemed to flee when my mom died.
Even she seemed to see that I wasn't having the best time there.
It scares me to think what I could've turned into.
My thoughts are so wound up right now.
I wish life were easy. It never is, I know.
It never has been.
I've been trying to fit all of the things that have happened lately into my testimony...
trying to think of how they've made me a better person.
But I can't think of anything.
Maybe because it isn't over yet.
Maybe it never will be.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Soco Amaretto Lime

I'm gonna stay eighteen forever (cut me open)
So we can stay like this forever (sun poisoned)
And we'll never miss a party (this offer...)
cause we keep them going constantly (...stands forever)
And we'll never have to listen (new haircut)
to anyone about anything (new bracelet)
cause it's all been done and its all been said (eyeliner)
we're the coolest kids and we take what we can get
(you're just jealous cause we're young and in love)
Eighteen forever (first kisses)
(your stomach's filled up but you're starved for conversation)
So we can stay like this forever (new stitches)
(you're spending all your nights growing old in your bed)
And we'll never miss a party (collar weekend)
(and your tearing up your photos cause you wanna forget... it's over)
cause we keep them going constantly (appearance ticket)
(you're just jealous cause we're young and in love)
And we'll never have to listen (November to...)
(your stomach's filled up but you're starved for conversation)
to anyone about anything cause it's all been done (...remember)
(you're spending all your nights growing old in your bed)
and it's all been said (nightswimmers)
(and your tearing up your photos cause you wanna forget... it's over)
we're the coolest kids and we take what we can get