Saturday, December 15, 2007

Starry Night

So I was watching Boy Meets World at 2am, because that's how I roll, and it was all about Starry Night. Topanga and Cory are on a break and their relationship pretty much depends on the Van Gogh painting, Starry Night.
Topanga spends hours speaking to a guy she meets about how it seems to signify God's love. That God is protecting the people in the little town. "They live their lives and they come out of their houses, and they see this sky and they know God's protection and love. And that everything will be all right."
She comes to the conclusion that their relationship depends on what Cory sees when he looks at the painting. He decides that what he sees is an attack. That God, unhappy with how some particular humans treat other particular humans who love them, has decided it's the end of the world.
I don't know why I'm blogging about a nineties sitcom, but I just felt like I should. It just... felt right.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Seasons of Love

So Michelle and I went to visit her dad today and they both informed me that it is less than 2 weeks until Christmas.
Last night at the banquet, Jamie (F.B Youth Pastor) talked about the lies that we're fed about Christmas. How Christmas is about gifts, Christmas is about Santa, eggnog, friends, family, giving. He talked about how Christmas isn't about any of those things. Of course Christmas is a great opportunity to see family and commune with friends and all your loved ones, and giving is a great thing. Charity is important, and community is a focus. But ultimately, Christmas is, plain and simple, all about the Savior.
As he was delivering this message (and Michelle and I were dressing Scott and Shawn up like Santa and Jesus [Shawn is not a very convincing Jew. He tried a Jewish 'accent' and came off sounding Asian... no joke]) I thought back to RENT. I've seen that movie over 100 times, easily. I used to watch it every night before I went to bed and every morning when I woke up a few summers ago. I loved that movie... I kind of even wanted to LIVE that movie. Now THAT was community! The opening song in that movie is 'Seasons of Love', and the story begins and ends on December 24th, following the lives of a group of friends living the 'Bohemian' [boho-chic] life.
Love is the central theme to that entire movie, and how this time of year is all about love. For family, for friends, for the less fortunate. Now what I wonder is, if Christmas is losing it's original point, and I DO believe that it is, shouldn't we hold onto this love? Now everyone in the world may not be spending Christmas praising Jesus, but if they ARE with family, or are giving presents, aren't those expressions of love? And I thought that God WAS love. So if Christmas is no longer the season of the Lord in everyone's life, what about the season of love?
Because whether everyone knows it or not, I think that when they're loving, they're praising.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

If you listen to the sound of the hope in the voices of the children asking questions ,you'll know how blindness is a blessing

So my very best friend in the entire world is moving across the country.
Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 10, 2007


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Right now Carlye and I are looking back at grade eleven.
(and listening to Panic! At The Disco... but don't spread it around)
It's so bizarre to think of how much has changed since then, and how dramatically different we all are.

Carlye my beautiful rescue... הפניה says:
this is awesome
Carlye my beautiful rescue... הפניה says:
all i can remember is me you, rachel and camille singing this on the bus on the way to parksville
Molly סלה True love stories don't have endings, but darling this one does. says:
ahha i know!
Molly סלה True love stories don't have endings, but darling this one does. says:
Molly סלה True love stories don't have endings, but darling this one does. says:
we're amazing
Carlye my beautiful rescue... הפניה says:
oh yes.
Carlye my beautiful rescue... הפניה says:
the poor grooms bride is a WHORE
Molly סלה True love stories don't have endings, but darling this one does. says:
so she's not bleeeeeeeeeding on the ballroom floor just for the atteeeeention
Molly סלה True love stories don't have endings, but darling this one does. says:
you're pulling the trigger, pulling the triggerrrrrrrr!
Carlye my beautiful rescue... הפניה says:
Carlye my beautiful rescue... הפניה says:
Molly סלה True love stories don't have endings, but darling this one does. says:
Carlye my beautiful rescue... הפניה says:
Molly סלה True love stories don't have endings, but darling this one does. sys:
Carlye my beautiful rescue... הפניה says:
Molly סלה True love stories don't have endings, but darling this one does. sys:
Molly סלה True love stories don't have endings, but darling this one does. sys:
We were soo hardcore

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So it's December 10th.
I can't believe it was 3 years ago today that my mom passed away.
I'm in a very reflective mood right now; it's not a bad day, this one... it's usually the weeks leading up to this day that aren't so hot.
I'm trying to avoid the thoughts, feelings and general memories from that night 3 years ago... they aren't happy ones and they don't exactly help with the general coping process. I'm mainly looking back on the past 3 years... how much has changed. That first year seemed to stretch on forever, and I feel like the time spent in Qualicum without her was much longer than the ones I've spent in Nanaimo. It definitely doesn't feel like it was two years ago that I burst into Rachel's biology class crying. (I missed my bus, forgot my backpack, was late to school etcetera etcetera, and then on top of that I was reminded by everything that a year later my mom was still dead; it was rough.)I cannot believe that I've spent over 2 years in Nanaimo, and known most of my friends; the church, youth group, Shawn, for... well, two years... today.
So although my mom's death isn't exactly a memory I can look back on and smile about, a lot of the things that came from it are worthy of a smile. My amazing friends, the church, the youth group, sleepovers with Michelle, talks with Caitlyn, being monkey's with little Claire, every single thing in my life, good or bad, is a direct offshoot from my mom's death. I'd rather not think of it like that, though.
Maybe they're all gifts from my mom. Like even long after she's gone from this earth, she's still taking care of me.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


So this weekend in Vancouver was pretty much amazing.
It started off with a bang with the NINETEEN HOUR ferryride on the shiftiest excuse for a boat imaginable (and by 19 I did, in fact, mean 2) however, Michelle, Mike and I somehow managed. Then we got greeted by dear, sweet, Cassie Marsh. (Who has the most incredible family, by the way). The hours before the banquet were spent giggling and being girly and ridiculous... it was obviously amazing. (Well, that was Michelle, Cas and I... not Mike. He was a 'man's man' and played videogames with Bradley and Andy [Cassie's brothers... they're triplets!])
The ride to CHT was quite the adventure. Might I say that David Grice is INSANE... driving wise, anyway. Besides almost getting the 15 or so of s KILLED, he also ducks with directions and we got lost and were late to the banquet. This, paired with the wiplash, was worth it for the AMAZING greeting we received upon arrival. Everyone lauching at you shrieking and hugging is definitely great for the self esteem. It was SO great to see Vangi, Rebecca, Jessica, Jaz... EVERYONE (I'm not going to start a list with the chance of leaving someone out). Vangi and I sat together (with Joanna and Co., of course) and had the best time... and may or may not have stuck out a bit (we definitely make a ruckus wherever we go... BESTFRIENDS!) and we all danced our tushes off. It was SO incredible to see everyone again; I really missed them.
Michelle, Cas and I had some really good talks after getting home last night (after getting supremely lost on the way home, since Mike Touzeau, despite growing up on the mainland, cannot find his way from Langley to Richmond.)
The ferry home today was... just as long... only lacking in one Mike Anderson, and afterwards Michelle and I had a smashing old time going to the singing Christmas tree with Tyler... and talking about goats wearing cover-up, in McDonalds.
Overall, an amazing weekend.

Michelle says:
and i'd like to point out that she makes the same "i'm a retard! Hear me ROAR!" face each time