Saturday, May 16, 2009

I adore Christopher Michael Bridge

Quote: "I’ve been frustrated the past while.

I believe it started when I got back from the therapist. I don’t think she helped. Actually, I felt more patronized and aggravated then before.

She speaks of being content with the person you are in the 
now. I speak of enjoying the now, and working towards the future. She becomes frustrated, because working towards a personality-driven goal instigates pursuit of the ideal self. I don’t see the harm in liking the person you are, but holding the idealized self as a goal you never intend to reach.

If I could 
be my idealized self, I would be able to shoot laser beams from my palms and become the hero of humanity, and probably not waste my time in a therapist's office."

Chris, have I ever told you you are incredible?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Cavoli Riscaldati

So, recently, a  friend extremely dear to my heart and I were talking on the phone, and got onto the topic of re-cooked cabbage.  
You see, the term "cavoli riscaldati",  is used by Italians to describe reviving old relationships.
 They believe the concept is similar to reheated cabbage because the result of such a culinary effort is usually unworkable, messy and distasteful. In short, they're saying that nothing is ever the same the second time around. It's hard to start something up once it has ended. 
This is usually referring to old flames, but I believe it applies to all relationships. When someone has been hurt, or something has occured to damage the bond you once shared, it is near impossible to salvage the leftover bits. 
Well, I can't really help but see a whole lot of re-cooked cabbage in my life right about now. 

The Covenant

In Your gospels You speak of hope
Of surrender and supplication.
But my only sacrifice as of late
is of Your sustenance, that I dismiss as fate.
My soul deflates and my heart it waits
For a sign, for your subtle whisper
To sooth my sorrowed soul with it's sweet song.
For your able hands to lift me high above the ruins
of my shattered, scrambled self
Open my eyes, My sufficient, reverent Savior.
I'm straining my ears, holding back tears
listening for that calm, tranquil voice, giving me the choice
To start fighting, or resume falling
Into the darkness and out of Your arms.
In Your gospels You speak of hope.

Mahala Sarah Woodford

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Blues for sister someone

"The key to being successful is what we give up. Sleep, friends, a normal life. We sacrifice it all for one amazing moment. There are days that make the sacrifices seem worthwhile. 
Then there are the days where everything feels like a sacrifice. 
And then there are the sacrifices that you cant even figure out why you're making.
A wise man once said you can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it. 
What he meant, is nothing comes without a price. 
So before you go into battle, you better decide how much you're willing to lose. 
Too often, going after what feels good means letting go of what you know is right, 
and letting someone in means abandoning the walls you've spent a lifetime building. 
Of course, the toughest sacrifices are the ones we don't see coming, 
when we don't have time to come up with a strategy to pick a side or to measure the potential loss. 
When that happens, when the battle chooses us and not the other way around,
 that's when the sacrifice can turn out to be more than we can bear.