Friday, May 15, 2009

Cavoli Riscaldati

So, recently, a  friend extremely dear to my heart and I were talking on the phone, and got onto the topic of re-cooked cabbage.  
You see, the term "cavoli riscaldati",  is used by Italians to describe reviving old relationships.
 They believe the concept is similar to reheated cabbage because the result of such a culinary effort is usually unworkable, messy and distasteful. In short, they're saying that nothing is ever the same the second time around. It's hard to start something up once it has ended. 
This is usually referring to old flames, but I believe it applies to all relationships. When someone has been hurt, or something has occured to damage the bond you once shared, it is near impossible to salvage the leftover bits. 
Well, I can't really help but see a whole lot of re-cooked cabbage in my life right about now.