Friday, March 13, 2009

Awaken me from my sleep, and open up my weary eyes... Move me from my complacency, and bring my soul back to life

Tonight was such an incredible night... so I have decided to blog about it.
There was nothing special about it, really. The youth group girls had a fundraiser at Steve Marshall for Ladies Night, and we made so much money to send kids to camp from donations. It was SUCH a blessing. Shawn told us that it's a new record for money earned. Hallelujah!
After that was over, we met up with some of the guys and went out for a late meal at BP; again, nothing special. Afterwards, Chelle, Mike and I went and walked on the beach for awhile (and Mike almost DIED climbing up to the top of a 17 ft totem pole). We made a last minute decision to take a 2am trip to Parksville, but after stopping at my house for warm clothes, we lost momentum and ending up just hanging out with Shelly til 4:30 or so. Again, none of this was special or anything, but it was amazing. The night was so full of good, meaningful talks, and even more ridiculous ones. On the beach, we started discussing how we used to spend so much time there praying and just reveling in God's goodness. It's heartbreaking how much everything has changed, but I feel like talking about it has opened so many doors to us that we've been keeping closed for the past year or so. I loved having the chance to spend considerable time talking to Mike. He's such an incredible guy and I have so much respect for him. 
Afterward, Shelly and I had some great roommate one-on-one time, and it was such a huge blessing. 
I feel so full and sensationally blessed right now.
I just wanted to share that.
Goodnight! (er... morning)