Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Newsflash: My cousins kids are cute

So I decided that instead of blogging on nothing in particular, I'd blog about how amazing I think my family is.
In particular, Ewan and Isla, my second cousins. Honestly, there is not another thing on the planet that can make me smile faster than these kids.
Isla's a precocious little brat, but she can always put a smile on my face. She's everybody's princess... and she knows it.
Ewan is pretty much just stoked on life. He's not so much for the temper tantrums like Isla, but instead always has a big goofy grin on his face.
Seriously, the highlight of all of my visits with Ryan and Elizabeth is seeing these kids shining faces.
Okay, that's all.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Boys speak in rhythm and girls just lie

When you have to look away
When you don't have much to say
Thats when I love you
I love you, just that way
To hear you stumble when you speak
Or see you walk with two left feet
Thats when I love you
I love you, endlessly

So I'm not quite sure how to deal with everything right now.
So much is happening, and I'm not exactly sure how to feel.
Am I just supposed to sit idly by and watch all of this happen to my friends?
Do I just pray that the best will come out of the situation? Because I am scared, not just for the obvious victims, because I believe you are all bring victimized. No one is getting the upper hand here, and no one is benefiting from this series of unfortunate events. I'm sorry this is happening to you, but there's consequences to everything you do, and you knew that before any of this started. Don't idly play the victim, because no one is attacking you. This isn't a personal assault, you did this to yourself.
So how do I feel?
Relieved that it's almost over? or sick because, truly, it's only just beginning...
Oh brother.