I had youth group after school
and everything thats been going on for the past week or so hit me.
So I pretty much had a breakdown.
Shawn locked me in a room (he likes to do that) and got me to tell him
everything that's going on.
Aside from the iffy bits, I got to hang out with my favorite person ever,
Okay, my second favorite person... the first being Michelle... but not the same one.
...This does kind of make sense.
Michelle Latour = amazing best friend who is currently in Halifax because she hates me
Michelle Hetu = amazing girl from youth group whom I am in love with... yeah.
Picture Reference.
Michelle # 1
Michelle #2
Coincidently, those are also the two worst pictures of me ever.
Funny how that works.
Also, as you may have noticed from picture 2, I dyed my hair... today...
It is now all one color.
And not platinum blonde.
How sad.
I should sleep.
I have an appointment at 10am @ JCA Spa
(AKA Jessy's house... but she likes to sound snazzy)
You know who else is rad?
...and Tiana, Kerin, Keeley and Jen.
sleep now.
Eep prom!