Saturday, May 12, 2007

Went to the fair with Katelyn and spent a lot of time with Rio and Candice.

Now I'm tired.
Lots of drunks on a bus at 11:30 on a Saturday.

...I miss Caitlin

My name: Molly Caitlin and Rachel are thebestest woodford-Cathcart-Ireland

Summarize me in three words: I love You

Where did we meet: Jobies

Take a stab at my middle name: sexy?

How long have you known me: 7 years

When is the last time that we saw each other: majority ceremony april 6

Do I drink: yes?

Do I smoke: no

Am I happy: most of the time...cause i love you

Am I a good person: werd

What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me: shes short

What's one of my favorite things to do: sleepover at Caities house

Am I funny: hilarious

How do you make me smile: be caitie

What's my favorite type of music: caitlin

Have you ever seen me cry: yes

Can I sing?: not all the time

What is the best feature about me: your awesomeness

Am I shy or outgoing: hahahahahah!

Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: rebel

Do I have any special talents: your strange ability to be spectacular

Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else (what): gay...yup definatley gay

Have you ever hugged me: thats a dumb question

Kissed me?: yuppers

What is my favorite food: samiches and juice boxes...oh wait thats mine

Have you ever had a crush on me: i still do

Am I dating anyone: i think so

If there was one good nickname for me,
what would it be?: mollypantssss

What's your favorite memory of me?: sleepovers and roadtrips

What is my worst habit: spazzing

If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing I would bring?: a canada flag

Are we friends?: nope

Do I believe in God?: yup

Am I family oriented?: kinda

Who is my best friend?: Caitlin

Will you repost this so I can do it?:
i already did
I just wish I were sleeping.

Sooo amazing

So my night was pretty rad, even though I got a bloody nose from piggy back wrestling.
(Ben and I are the ultimate duo and totally deserved to win)
So the photo montage beginsssss...


Ben and I like to mirror murder mysteries on my digital camera

The following people endured the wrath of Katelyn Bledsoe

Keeley Mowatt: Ordinary 14 year old now, but
future supermodel all in due time.

The war hadn't even started yet, this was just
during the making of the bombs.

Flour bomb waaaars

The Idea: The Grand Tower of Youth Groupia!

The Construction: Rome was not built in a day,
but this poorly planned tower was built in 30 seconds

The downfall: Poor poor Tower of Youth Groupia (actually, this may
or may not have been my fault, as I was the top of the tower
and I kind of slipped.)

Caitlyn loves her spaghetti, crackers and rice pudding

Caitlyn puking her spaghetti, crackers and rice pudding

Caitlyn + Morin = SOOO in love (he is not stoked)

Best friiiiiiends (bright flaaaaash)

...also, I love Michelle Hetu... a lot.

Michelle Hetu (Wellington Secondary School) wrote
at 11:15pm on May 11th, 2007
"Molly Woodford
is wishing that every single male on the planet would do her a favour and drop off the face of it for a little while."

i have an idea on how we can make this happen.
i say that you and i go to wal-mart and see if we can buy a gun, and if that fails, we go to a gun store and buy huge machine guns like the terminator had, then we go all rambo on the male species.. and then once all the men are dead, we have a picnic with juice boxes and little pb&j sandwiches minus the bread crust, and reflect on our good work. and since most police officers and political people are males, we won't have to worry about being in any trouble.
it's a fool-proof plan. =]
oh, and after we exterminate the male species, we can send their bodies to outer space so that they can't become zombies and eat our brains.
at least not on earth.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Almost Summerrr Town Fair

Good way to spend a Wednesday.
Fair and Friends.<3

Shawn and Katie... who is crying. Good parenting.

"Grandma", Katie, Emma and Shawn

Katelyn + Molly + Roller coaster

Daryl + Morin = n00bs

Katelyn's bum

Daryl cried on this ride.

Taylor and K-dawg's heads?

Deep introspective pictures of Kate and Mary's butts


Daryl's "sexy" model pose

Daryl's legs with their irregular growth patterns.


I am sooo stressed out!

Tonight I have practice/donut string at Karen's
Tomorrow is a practice for initiation for jobies and then youth group
(even though they PROMISED not to put practices at the same time as youth group.
I am sooo pissed)
Saturday is the bottle drive at 9am and then a serving right after
Sunday I have church
Monday I'm back to school all over again.
Thursday I have the photography trip to Emily Carr on Granville Island,
we get back at 6:30, and then I have to race to jobies for the initiation.
Friday we head'r to History Maker and I'm doing the play, my testimony AND
taking care of all the kids???

That doesn't include my psychology tests, photography deadlines, 3747 History Maker forms to fill out, criminal record check for taking care of children, permission forms for Emily Carr,
and memorizing all my lines for the play.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Does anyone else find high school particularly painful?
I don't know what I'd do without my friends... I oinly have 3 classes, and one
of them is PE... yet that building makes me nauseous.
I am so thankful for the weather right now.
I live for lunchtimes outside cartwheeling with Joanne and Katelyn or beating up Derek and Tiffany.
...Or 15 people nerd circles around Jareth.
Good times.
Only a month or so til Summerrrr... and no more NDSS... ever.

(Deep down I love that school... I promise.
Very deep.)

Monday, May 7, 2007

I miss my best friend

√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
i remember that
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
when you told me that
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
i remember you telling me you say goodnight to her before you sleep
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
i was thinking about it a couple weeks ago
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
its almost been three years
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
No it hasn't :P
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
two and a half
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
I'll give you that
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
last i checked it was February
now its may
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
time flies when you dont go to school :P
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
i miss being your best friend
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
how did so many things change
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
without anyone noticing
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
we'll never know
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
we just did what we thought we wanted to
and it took awhile
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
we all passed time
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
Remember when we promised we'd always be best friends?
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
find me that conversation
and ill remember
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
I dont think it was MSN
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
it was before that
In our text message and 9 hr phone conversation stage
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
and id always go to bed by 11 so i could get 8 hours sleep
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
we'd start talking at about 430 or 5
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
and that night we stayed up til 4am, so the next day at school we planned to fall asleep on the tables in the art room with "do not disturb" signs on our necks
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
we were sweet
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:


√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
i need to go to sleep
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
for your 8 + hours?
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
gnight lennie
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
we'll be best friends again one day
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
we have to fulfill the BFF prophecy
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
night lenn
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
love you
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
√L3NN "It's a good thing we took the time to build these constructicons... in this cave" says:
grade nine <34

Pokemon & Ex Beaus

Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
don't make me make an irresistible puppy dog face
$uper[ben] says:
do your worst
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
I'm braiding my hair
$uper[ben] says:
$uper[ben] says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
you can't see me
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
so my puppy dog face would be put to waste
$uper[ben] says:
it'd still be funny
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
i could just say i did it
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
but actually do nothing at all
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
it's my strongest move
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
I'm not going to waste it
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
it'll take all my energy
$uper[ben] says:
well then
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
I'm like a Pokemon or something
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
...i stayed home Saturday and watched pokemon, okay?
$uper[ben] says:
whys that?
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
i needed a day of rest
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
and there was nothing else on
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
except a pokemon marathon
$uper[ben] says:
someones a little defensive
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
i actually got a little into it
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
besides the fighting, there's a sizzling subplot
$uper[ben] says:
i used to watch it
$uper[ben] says:
but then they kept adding stuff
$uper[ben] says:
i liked my pokemon better when there was 151
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
i remember when EVERYONE had pokemon cards
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
and my friends and i didn't get into it
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
except i found this bat one on the playground
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
and Lennie was gonna pay me to give it to him
$uper[ben] says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:

$uper[ben] says:
or possibly golbat
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says: Ben

Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
he was a black bat
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
zubat is blue
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
...that did not just come out of my mouth
$uper[ben] says:
dun dun dunnn

I love best friends

Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
Oh Chris, It felt amazing and I feel sooo loved.
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
but i need sleep now
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
.:Chris:. -||- .We Pick Our Battles Long Before We Fight Them. -||- says:
Night Mahala Atsopinanopolita<3
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
Night Prince Christopherofolus<3

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Blast from the past

weirdest thing ever?
So, from the time I was 6 and a half I had two best friends, Alice and Joanne.
They moved there from England and our moms became best friends.
We were all major BFF.
Like sooo close bestfriends.
The "sleep over on a schoolnight cause we pretty much live together anyway" best friends.
Anyway, in the end of grade 6 we moved to Parksville.
I remember Helen (their mom) and my mom (Ellen... funny) cried sooo hard.
Al, Jo and I were like whatever, because we still went to school together.
But I guess when our moms stopped spending time together, so did we.
We weren't in the same classes and we made more friends outside our circle of friends.
The last time I talked to them was at my mom's memorial service.
Helen (who I, at one time, remember calling Mom) was crying harder than anyone else.
She didn't even know my mom was sick.
After the service we hugged and I swear Helen didn't want to let go.
Then I left with Rachel, Veronica and Tori and they went their own way, too.
My next point is, Facebook is the most amazing thing.
I just got this message from noneother than Joanne Vinden.

WOW!!! Molly!! you look absolutley AMAZING in your prom pics!!!!!
was it a fun night?? it's been soo long since we've heard from you!
this is intense, whatcha been up to? mum sends her love
and says you look beautiful:):) alice says hi too!!!

I knew she had a facebook but I didn't really send her a message or anything because
I didn't know what we really were anymore.
Best friends for 7 years? Strangers for 6?
Which one overpowers?
It feels so amazing to know that people that you have completely parted ways with
can still hold a place for you in their hearts, or people from your past still care.

I swear I can hear my mom crying right now.
(Happy tears, naturally)
She's missed her best friend so much.

Catch The Wind

In the chilly hours and minutes of uncertainty, I long to be in the warm hold of your love and mind.
To feel you all around and to take your hand along the sand, I may as well try and catch the wind.
When sundown pales the sky, I wanna hide away behind your smile.
Everywhere I look, your eyes I'd find.
For me to love you now, would be the sweetest thing.
Would make me sing.
But I may as well try and catch the wind.
When rain has hung the leaves with tears, I want you here to count my fears.
To help me leave all my blues behind.
For standing in your heart, it's where I wanna be, and I'll long to be.
But I may as well try and catch the wind.

Secret Oath

I'm racking my brain
trying to comprehend
how, for some unknown reason, our status will remain as friends.
I'm destroying my mind
trying to understand how with little to no effort
you've got me eating out of the palms of your hands

There was not a single spark
when my lips landed on yours in the dark,
but regardless of what happens next
you're my beloved, you just don't know it yet

Tonight I made a secret oath
to keep chasing after you
and I am not going to stop
whether you like it or not

We're murdering our lives
trying to make it work,
but you and I both know that we are a lost cause
and nothing more than specks on this earth

Tonight I made a secret oath
to keep chasing after you
and I am not going to stop
whether you like it or not