Thursday, May 10, 2007


I am sooo stressed out!

Tonight I have practice/donut string at Karen's
Tomorrow is a practice for initiation for jobies and then youth group
(even though they PROMISED not to put practices at the same time as youth group.
I am sooo pissed)
Saturday is the bottle drive at 9am and then a serving right after
Sunday I have church
Monday I'm back to school all over again.
Thursday I have the photography trip to Emily Carr on Granville Island,
we get back at 6:30, and then I have to race to jobies for the initiation.
Friday we head'r to History Maker and I'm doing the play, my testimony AND
taking care of all the kids???

That doesn't include my psychology tests, photography deadlines, 3747 History Maker forms to fill out, criminal record check for taking care of children, permission forms for Emily Carr,
and memorizing all my lines for the play.