Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Life's a Show

You know what?
I'm ending this now.
I'm not looking back.
Things will never be like they used to be...
I'll never be back in grade 9 and things would suck more
than they do now if I hadn't left.
And things don't suck. I love everyone here so much.
People care about me and I'm just brushing it all off lately.
I am so incredibly blessed and to focus on anything but that would be
a waste. The fact is, things may have been cool there before my mom died.
And they probably still would be if she hadn't. But she did, and it changed me.
I'm glad I changed. I'm a different person now. Not better, just different.
All those people will always mean a lot to me. Shannon, Janelle, Chelsey, Meg...
but I'm not moving backwards. I have anew life.
I can keep my old friends, and I always will... but I have to stop
thinking of them as a separate part of my life.
I only have one life... and my life is in Nanaimo.
With my friends here, and with everyone from my past.
Who knows where life will lead me?
I definitely don't, but I'm stoked to find out.