Monday, February 18, 2008

I can't deny that I rely on you, like yellow does on blue

This is my "happy birthday Ben" post.
see how special you are, Ben? You have your own birthday post.
...Although you wont see this for awhile on account of your computer-less lent.
Oh well, it's the thought that counts.
Also, it's the best I can do with my lack of cash, but maybe when that's not so lacking, I'll get you a gift.
ANYway, happy birthday Bennerman. I hope you had a terrific day and that you have an incredible year to follow; you deserve it.

In other news, my life is pretty mundane. Work is work-ish and life is... life-ish?
I don't know. I guess I'm just existing right now, which I know isn't good enough, but it's all I can handle right now. I've been doing terribly at keeping in contact with everyone from xlr8, and I don't even talk to Clint anymore. I feel like I'm deleting myself from my own life.