Friday, May 8, 2009

We are so fragile, and our cracking bones make noise

I love this city.
I know that 6 months ago, amidst the clouds and snow and emptiness, I hated this city.
Every few months I hate this city. 
But in the sunshine, listening to birds and watching little ladies walk their dogs, or driving out to the really sketchy part of town where you can put your car in neutral and the magnetic force can pull your car up a hill... or going out for Vietmanese food with Nik, and accidentally causing a few cans of fancy scottish "irn bru" to explode everywhere.
I love going to the lagoon at 3am with my friends (and being chased by cougars) and having dinner at Mrs Ritchies with my daddy. 
But for some reason I'm moving to a province where I don't know anyone. A cold, snowy province with no lagoon, or freaky magnetic military base, and no Pho A Dong's... (home of the most delicious spring rolls EVER).
I'm just going to be alone again.