Thursday, October 1, 2009

These Ties That Bind Are So Pedestrian

Please attempt a critique. Not sure what I think of it as of yet.

Your eyes are blue, deep blue, like the ocean after a storm
And they shine, an incandescent glow, like the lighthouse, directing great ships home
Well, if you are the ocean, can I be your waves?
And if you are the lighthouse, am I the one that you save?
Because I've been stranded, abandoned, confined here for too long
And the only thing that gets me through is the glimmer, the gleam; your glow
The steady beat of your heart scanning the water; calm and slow
The assurance in each breaker, as the rush, it pulls me deeper.
And all the while, not breaking stride, or casting your eyes
Away from mine, and for that one euphoric moment I
Can feel your love resounding, and for only that split second I
Forget that I am drowning.
And they are blue, deep blue, just like the waves that pull me under
and I can barely catch my breath, and perhaps forget to struggle
Because while I sink beneath the billows and fight through tangled reed
I finally start to realize, you're merely brick and salty sea
And yet for that last eternal second, I can't bear to look abroad
And instead, gaze at your figure, while your lighthouse beams glow on.


Ben B said...

This poetry touches my heart and makes me feel brighter on the inside, even if it does convey feelings of dark twistiness, I feel brighter knowing I am not alone in the feelings I have. It's nice Molla