Sunday, March 18, 2007

Have you ever had that, "I am so freaking lucky" feeling?
When nothing at all in your life is perfect, and everything could be falling
around you, and you couldn't care less because you know it just does not matter?
You know... since I've moved to Nanaimo I've had that feeling a lot.
It'll probably always be this way.
I will feel so blessed if it is.
Because even though my mom will always be dead, I will always have one friend I do not
get along with, I will probably never have who or what I feel I truly want at any particular
point in time, I'll be happy.
I'll be... blissful.
I'm not sure if that is what I actually need, but I know that it is a great feeling.
I had that feeling when I was walking home from Caitlyn's last night.
My mom was dead, my best friend hated me, but I was so lucky to
have the amount of people loving me that I did.

I'd write more but my ride will be here soon!

See you in a week<3


sreno7 said...

we love you Molly!!!!!