Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Found these conversations with friends that make me love life.

MiCHelle says:
so i'm going to make it my personal mission in life to find out if he likes u
MiCHelle says:
my plan has a part system
MiCHelle says:
part a. start talking to him after 2 years of awkward silence
MiCHelle says:
part b. somehow make him trust me (shouldn't be too hard everyone else does)
MOLLY <> says:
HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAH (please don't let him like me!)
MiCHelle says:
part c. casually mention past crushes (strategically leaving my name out)
MiCHelle says:
part d. mention that he seems to like the little girls
MiCHelle says:
part e. and by little i mean young
MiCHelle says:
part f. and also short
MiCHelle says:
part g. equals molly
MiCHelle says:
I'll brb, laugh about that one for awhile


Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
don't make me make an irresistible puppy dog face
$uper[ben] says:
do your worst
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
I'm braiding my hair
$uper[ben] says:
$uper[ben] says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
you can't see me
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
so my puppy dog face would be put to waste
$uper[ben] says:
it'd still be funny
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
i could just say i did it
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
but actually do nothing at all
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
it's my strongest move
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
I'm not going to waste it
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
it'll take all my energy
$uper[ben] says:
well then
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
I'm like a Pokemon or something
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
...i stayed home Saturday and watched pokemon, okay?
$uper[ben] says:
whys that?
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
i needed a day of rest
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
and there was nothing else on
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
except a pokemon marathon
$uper[ben] says:
someones a little defensive
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
i actually got a little into it
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
besides the fighting, there's a sizzling subplot
$uper[ben] says:
i used to watch it
$uper[ben] says:
but then they kept adding stuff
$uper[ben] says:
i liked my pokemon better when there was 151
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
i remember when EVERYONE had pokemon cards
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
and my friends and i didn't get into it
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
except i found this bat one on the playground
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
and Lennie was gonna pay me to give it to him
$uper[ben] says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:

$uper[ben] says:
or possibly golbat
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says: Ben


Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
he was a black bat
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
zubat is blue
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
...that did not just come out of my mouth
$uper[ben] says:
dun dun dunnn


Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
Caitlyn.. it is in dying that we are born to eternal life says:
Caitlyn.. it is in dying that we are born to eternal life says:
It'll never work between us
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
Molly... When sundown pales the sky, I want to hide away behind your smile. says:
Sorry Caitlyn,
you're not my type.
Caitlyn.. it is in dying that we are born to eternal life says:
wait, no
Caitlyn.. it is in dying that we are born to eternal life says:
I'M doing the turning down here


Caitlyn.. the chemistry between us could destroy this place says:
I wish I had more nachos
#21 Molly -|- I wanna be your last first kiss -|- says:
i wish i had nachos at all
.:Chris:. -||-.The only difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.-||- says:
I wish I had a puppy. A puppy that would respond to thoughts.
#21 Molly -|- I wanna be your last first kiss -|- says:
a talking puppy?
.:Chris:. -||-.The only difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.-||- says:
No, because then the puppy would divulge my thoughts.
.:Chris:. -||-.The only difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.-||- says:
....More like a Mind-Controlled puppy
.:Chris:. -||-.The only difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.-||- says:
Like being all "That person said I look fat" and having the puppy pee on their shoe.


Molly -|-A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing-|- says:
i had to sign a bunch of forms saying my prom date wouldn't trash stuff or bring drugs or alcohol or beat up people or kick puppies
Molly -|-A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing-|- says:
and if you do they, like, kick me out of school or something
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
kick puppies
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
well you might be getting kicked out of nd cuz all i do is kick puppies
Molly -|-A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing-|- says:
thats what worried me
your puppy kicking addiction

# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
its hard to kick
Molly -|-A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing-|- says:
Tyler, the first step is admitting you have a problem
Molly -|-A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing-|- says:
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
i have to go to PKA
# 34 | T- Paquette - Coming Back To NCS - says:
puppy kickers anonymous


[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
I need a riiiide
Morin says:
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
my caitlyn-ride went to carlye's
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
wanna fight punk??
Morin says:
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
i could take you
Morin says:
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
im built, clearly
Morin says:
built ford tough?
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
Morin says:
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
Id ask shawn for a ride
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
but im scared to call him
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
its one of my top 5 fears
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
"talk to shawn on the phone"
Morin says:
Morin says:
call danae
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
shes sick
Morin says:
she would be
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
she is... be
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
wanna use your ride getting capabilities to get me a ride
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
wanna wanna wanna?

Morin says:
maybe the perrys will give you a ride
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
I have a phone
but Im scared to call people past.. like... 5
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
i'll just wait for daryl to pop up
Morin says:
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
and ask him to ask

Morin says:
dave will pick you up just before 9
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
Morin says:
cuz i am the man
[Molly] Close Your Eyes (PACKING) says:
Morin says:
everyone is always trying to stick it to me


Molly Instinct of the Screaming Dimension says:
I have RAW on spring break
Sarah Grace: When you push on glass, it's bound to break. 22 Days says:
Sarah Grace: When you push on glass, it's bound to break. 22 Days says:
rats and walrus'
Sarah Grace: When you push on glass, it's bound to break. 22 Days says:
riots are weird
Sarah Grace: When you push on glass, it's bound to break. 22 Days says:
rain and water
Molly Instinct of the Screaming Dimension says:
its Ready And Willing.
Molly Instinct of the Screaming Dimension says:
Sarah Grace: When you push on glass, it's bound to break. 22 Days says:
righteous and whicket..


Molly+Michelle+Caitlyn+Tyler+Daryl+Deanna+Carlye ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
...but i don't care, because i love my friends more than anything and I will NOT let a boy ruin my deck party with them
Taryn :. 10days.2.5months .:. trust yourself and don't believe in any more lies .: says:
haha good!!!
Taryn :. 10days.2.5months .:. trust yourself and don't believe in any more lies .: says:
way to stay strong
Taryn :. 10days.2.5months .:. trust yourself and don't believe in any more lies .: says:
... lol
Molly+Michelle+Caitlyn+Tyler+Daryl+Deanna+Carlye ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
strong like a... llama
Molly+Michelle+Caitlyn+Tyler+Daryl+Deanna+Carlye ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
i think they're strong
Taryn :. 10days.2.5months .:. trust yourself and don't believe in any more lies .: says:
peter signed on and didn't say anything to me and now hes away
Molly+Michelle+Caitlyn+Tyler+Daryl+Deanna+Carlye ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
or a... pack mule
Taryn :. 10days.2.5months .:. trust yourself and don't believe in any more lies .: says:
if that makes u feel better
Taryn :. 10days.2.5months .:. trust yourself and don't believe in any more lies .: says:
haha pack mules are strong
Molly+Michelle+Caitlyn+Tyler+Daryl+Deanna+Carlye ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
your sadness does not make me feel better
Molly+Michelle+Caitlyn+Tyler+Daryl+Deanna+Carlye ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
so im a pack mule
Molly+Michelle+Caitlyn+Tyler+Daryl+Deanna+Carlye ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
only prettier
Taryn :. 10days.2.5months .:. trust yourself and don't believe in any more lies .: says:
haha yes
Taryn :. 10days.2.5months .:. trust yourself and don't believe in any more lies .: says:
a lot prettier
Molly+Michelle+Caitlyn+Tyler+Daryl+Deanna+Carlye ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
and not.. an impotent crossbreed between a donkey and a horse
Molly+Michelle+Caitlyn+Tyler+Daryl+Deanna+Carlye ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
or is it a buffalo?


keeley says:
anndddd arent you going to shawns
Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
keeley says:
at 6?
Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:

keeley says:
it is 6
Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
its 5:59
keeley says:
pretty much 6
keeley says:
kay now its 6
Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
keeley says:
Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
why arent you at shawns
keeley says:
because im at keeleys

Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
why arent we hanging out
keeley says:
i need a shower
keeley says:
we would be
keeley says:
if i didnt have to be at shawns at 6
Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
keeley says:
7 would be more appropriate
keeley says:
i had hosanna till 5
keeley says:
Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
you realize i know that
Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
on account of i live with caitlyn
keeley says:
i know
keeley says:
im just reminding you
Molly+Jessy+Caitlyn ["Jesus, why are you dressed up like Darth Maul?"] says:
keeley[ says:
i cant now. ill be late
keeley says:
anddd im at keeleys