Sunday, September 16, 2007

Superheroes. Pt. 1

-|-Mollay-|- Your love's such a stretch for my faith says:
change of topic:
if you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Ben lets celebrate with some extra xylophone says:
Ben lets celebrate with some extra xylophone says:
like colossus from xmen
Ben lets celebrate with some extra xylophone says:
hes got a metal that he controls that forms all over his boday, like a suit
-|-Mollay-|- Your love's such a stretch for my faith says:
that's alright, I suppose.
-|-Mollay-|- Your love's such a stretch for my faith says:
I'd still choose telekinesis.
That way, I could cause bootfuls of mischief
Ben lets celebrate with some extra xylophone says:
ya, that would be fun
Ben lets celebrate with some extra xylophone says:
i was thinking that but i thought not
-|-Mollay-|- Your love's such a stretch for my faith says:
well, if we had the same superpower, it'd be lame anyhow.
Cause then how could we adequately fight crime?

Ben lets celebrate with some extra xylophone says:
with our brains
-|-Mollay-|- Your love's such a stretch for my faith says:
-|-Mollay-|- Your love's such a stretch for my faith says:
brains are only good for things like trigonometry
-|-Mollay-|- Your love's such a stretch for my faith says:
and who ever heard of a villain that took over the world with math problems?
Ben lets celebrate with some extra xylophone says:
you use your mind for telekinesis
-|-Mollay-|- Your love's such a stretch for my faith says:
but they'd be expecting that.
If we had separate superpowers, it'd be harder to foil us

Ben lets celebrate with some extra xylophone says:
-|-Mollay-|- Your love's such a stretch for my faith says: