Monday, March 17, 2008

cause you left the frays from the ties you severed when you say "best friends means friends forever"

I know that I have heaps and heaps to be thankful for. So any things in my life are ironing themselves out and 'm making connections with people who were so important for such a long expanse in my life. People I thought I'd never bridge those gaps with again. I love my job, my boss is so fatherly and incredible and the people are like a second family. I miss a day of work and the next day is a mixture of hugs and concerned faces. I just love the stick together-ness of it all, and how fantastic they all make me feel. Sometimes the job itself can get a bit trying, but we're always there to perk eachother up. The people I live with are tenderhearted and loving and my family is as wonderful as ever.
So all things considered, why do I feel so worn down? I have a lot. I have loving friends, giving coworkers, a compassionate family and a merciful God.
I'm healthy and my needs are provided for. I have tons of people looking out for me and willing to do anything for me, and yet it all feels so minute.
Why do I feel like I've lost the world, when I still have so much?


Lyncs18 said...

This actually made me cry because I feel identical... You can have so much in life and so much to be happy for, but for some reason... nothing fills that void.

I don't know what I can say for you Molly, because if I had the answer, I wouldn't feel empty admidst all the glory in my life. Honestly? Something's just still missing, and until you find out what it is, I guess this will just continue on...

We don't talk much anymore, but I still love you and I'm always going to be there at your side and ready to hold your hand when you feel you're falling. You're the last person on this earth that I want to see succumb to darkness.