(plus, at the end of it there are pictures!!!)
so basically, prom was AH-mazing.
It started out horribly.
My dad was supposed to pick me up at 9 to drive to Jessy's
but by 11:30 he was still MIA.
So I got Jess to call him, and turns out his car broke down.
So I ended up taking a bus to city center, found out the
bus doesn’t go to Harewood before 3... and the limo was coming at 2
So I got to Jessy's by CAB by 1:15ish, and we started my make over.
Trust me, I looked HIDEOUS.
Well, Jessy is clearly a miracle worker, because by 1:45 my hair was in gorgeous ringlets
and my make up was flawless.
Then Dave got there with the limo, but Mary and Barb (J+ M mom) were still at the hairdresser.
So Dave left to go get Tyler, cause he was calling every 3 MINUTES to ask pointless questions, which Jess and I totally didn't need, since we were doing truly girly things, and he was getting sooo restless sitting at home.
So Mary got there, we spent FOREVER trying to put her shoes on her under her 8 LAYER DRESS and Tyler and Dave got back.
Dave then proceeded to take 48969087 pictures of Tyler giving me my corsage.. it's supposed to be a huge moment or something... whatevs.
Then we took more pictures under the pretty tree and picked up Mike and Dan, then went down to the waterfront.
We got to meet Tiffany, Derek, Kelsey, Cherisse and etc. there and mingled for a bit, before going to take pictures.
As we were doing that, who happens to show up but FREAKING DEANNA PULAK AND TIANA LEVAC!!! Sooo amazing.
So, more pictures and hugs and "you're gorgeous‘s.
We eventually made it out to dinner and that was probably the biggest adventure.
The boys' moms (Donna + Dawne) kept telling Mike and Tyler to put napkins on their suits not to spill, but they ignored them... (the girls were covered in napkins; we have brains)
until there were a few spills... and the napkins came in handy.
(you GUYS, doncha know your moms are ALWAYS right??)
Then the entire meal was Donna taking 5000+ pictures of Tyler and I eating, talking, everything-ing.
Oh, and Mike and Tyler laughing at pictures of Bryans nipple.
Good times.
Then Shawn popped around (totally ditched his daughters 4th b-day party)
and gave us his best wishes and stuff.
Then we got to go BACK to the waterfront and got amazing pictures with Caitlyn FREAKIN Spence!!
Anyway, we eventually made it to the ACTUAL prom
(ooh ooh and we got pics on Dave's motorcycle somewhere in there)
the grad class pic basically took 5 years.
And Mike and Tyler ruined it by making "handicap" faces.
They're not even in our grad class.
...or from our school.
So the nasty Mal-U caf was TRANSFORMED.
The highlights of my night were clearly the punch bowl that had those crazy fountains sprouting out of it, except Tiffany and I were kinda hesitant to use it at first.
Oh, and the martini glasses full of jellie bellies at our tables... and everytime you went away, they got refilled.
But basically myself, Katelyn, Carlye, Tiff, Jessy, Mary, Crystal, Derek and Mike danced the entire time.
almost 5 straight hours of dancing to horribly wonderful hip hop songs.
It was actually sooo much fun, and there were chocolate covered strawberries.
I think Tyler spent most of the night in the casino, except to make a few appearances on the dancefloor.
(note: dancing with Mike Anderson is awkward, he's pretty much over a foot taller than me)
After prom ended (midnightish?) we got the limo home and I hung out at Caitlyns house with Carlye until we passed out at 3amish.
Obviously, my favorite part of the night was talking to Michelle on the phone when I got there.
What an amazing girl she is.
I miss her sooo much.
you hear that Michelle?
Make the next 19 days fly by, ya hear?
I got up this morning at 7:30 to go to Neighborhood Church to do the joint church service thing.
It was pretty fun and Carlye and Mike were amazing on worship, despite their lack of sleep.
I gave my testimony (twice), and i got sooo many hugs from strangers afterwards.
Plus, I made Carlye, Katelyn, Caitlyn, Vanessa and Sue Reno cry.
So obviously a good response.
Doing it at 2 services was weird, cause I got prayed for by Shawn twice, talked twice, got asked the same questions by Shawn twice... and now I have to do it all over again next week at our church... and then at history maker in Chiliwack, and Full circle at the end of the month.
After church, (ready??) me, carlye, katelyn, vanessa, sue, mike, tyler, josh, Scott Falk, Tara (his wife) and their 2 boys (who are too cute) and Karen Travers.
We told the waitress it was Tyler and Mike's birthdays (Well, it was Mike's, and it's Tyler's in a few days) so with them being totally oblivious, they got sung to by the entire restaurant and got buffalo helmets on their heads... and deep-fried cheesecake.
They were not pleased. Mike refused to wear the helmet, but Tyler, although totally surprised, at least posed for pictures (I got a shot of Mike in his... lawl)
After THAT (long day) we went to Shawn's because it was Emma's birthday and we hung out in their backyard (it was soo beautiful out) and jumped on the trampoline with Emma and Katie and took cute pictures.
After a few hours, everyone went home except me and Carlye who (for some unknown reason) walked to K Travs house and hung out with her for a bit before she ditched us (Car was not amused) and I got a ride home while Carlye played on the Wii more.
Good weekend, but now I NEED to sleep.
I need proof that you read this too, Michelle.
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