Saturday, May 5, 2007

As sure as the sun's gonna rise

I want to go to sleep but I can't, so I'm wasting time in this.
I'm talking to Morin about stupid things like movies and the word radtacular.
Today was actually pretty cool.
The graffiti cleaning was absolutely tiring and I think I actually burnt my nose
(in the RAIN), but it was still moderately stellar.
When we got back to the church we rested in the sanctuary and ate pizza...
well, mostly everyone did; I ended up playing one on one basketball against Tyler.
I think I might've almost won... I couldn't tell... it involved more fighting for the ball than actually basketball, essentially.
Afterwards, we played this weird game which involved hucking plastic balls at eachother on teams.
Shawn said he made the teams fair, but the teams were basically this:

Josh Reno
Tim Latour
Chris Horniday

and then

Mike Anderson
Tyler Paquette
Justin Thomson
Katelyn "Brickwall" Bledsoe

...not what I'd exactly call fair.
Long story short, after 2 rounds, Mike was switched to our team.
We actually started winning after that, even though Mike kept getting killed.
Until Camille came to play and LET Tyler take our bowling pin because she didn't know he wasn't from our team.

After that Camille, Josh, Mike Tyler and I went to subway and ate food,
and Camille drove them home then me.

...and I heard a cool story about when Camille's mom worked for Tyler's dad back when Tyler was a little chunky kid and Tyler got his hand stuck in a vending machine.

Camille: and no one noticed the fat kid had his hand stuck in the vending machine for 4 hours

Well, I think that's a good note to end on, so I'm off to sleep.