Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Two sides of the same coin

No, I never did say it was worth it.
I said a lot of things; that I needed you, that you were my other half.
No, we never did say it would last forever.
We hooked pinkies and promised it was for life.
Okay, so I admit it, there was always that sneaking suspicion,
that either you or I would find something better. Something worth it.
No, we never did truly thank each other.
For the hours of condolences through a telephone wire.
And no, we never did actually apologize.
For the tear stains left on the shoulders of sweaters.
But you know what the things is about stuff like that?
I don’t think you have to.
You shouldn’t have to.
You don’t want to.
The distinction between forever and two months is insignificant.
So you leave it unspoken.
And yeah, maybe it ends.
But that just means it was real.

Molly Woodford