Monday, March 2, 2009


I feel so blessed to have the people in my life... in my life.
It's like it's a puzzle built just right.
I have a huge group of friends, each one with their own special quirk. Some are ditzy, some are pessimistic, some have their psycho-android moments. But so do I. And we all, in our mayhem and obscurity, make up a huge bizarre, flawed, but intricate puzzle. It's never perfect, and it's always hectic, but we fit. And I am feeling so phenominally blessed right now by every little piece of my puzzle. Even those who I don't get along with, they are a part of my world, my puzzle. My puzzle feels kind of complete. 
I'm not saying my life is perfect or reached its pinacle. Lots of things suck, this isn't even one of my best days. But my puzzle continues to grow and expand, gaining more and more vibrant colors and patterns. 
My life feels like a masterpiece in progress.