Saturday, March 7, 2009

Jonathan Close

You we're like a brother to me... a brother who actually LIKED to hang out with me. 
We were the babies of our families, and the only person I didn't feel invisible around. 
I still remember playing with your car track in your room for hours, or you playing barbies with me in mine. I remember how we decided we were old enough to watch "It" with Jacob and Jamie... and then had nightmares for weeks.  I remember how we'd always try to sneak upstairs to Justin and Jamie's room... but always got caught. I remember a lot of things, actually. You were always around, we were always together. You were my best friend, and there was never any question. I never felt rushed to visit you, because ypu'd always been around, and you always would be. You presence in my life has always been something I can count on... since I was 2 years old. 
Rest In Peace Jono... I love you, and I'll miss you. 

ps. I still have the hand puppet you got me for christmas when we were 4.