Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I've lost myself for good within Your promise, and I won't hide it... I won't hide it

So tonight bible study was pretty great.
In fact, as a whole, my day was pretty great.
I'm still nervous at work for the most part, and although I had a really amazing time until the last 2 hours, I ended my shift feeling really disheartened and inadequate. I stood there, close to tears, and prayed to God for some sense of accomplishment... anything. Then, as I was walking out the door, Nicole stopped me and told me that I'd done a really good job today, and she was sorry for placing me in the situation that she did at the end of the day when I hadn't been trained on it yet and it was completely her fault, not mine, and that I did terrific.
Wild truth was pretty great, too. Tyler and I totally ad-libbed the entire thing, and rocked at it, if I do say so myself... although I'm pretty sure that was more Tyler than me. He's pretty much incredible or something.
We watched another Nooma video today, and I've decided that Rob Bell is a spectacular person.
Everything he says just seems so raw, but so perfect; exactly what we needed to hear.
He talked about rainstorms in our life... how we cry out for God and that's when he comes to help us. He used the analogy of his baby son crying when they were out in the rain. His sons only reality was the rain right then, and he couldn't understand anything beyond that. Like when our life is going through trouble and we are burdened, that's when we don't feel God, even though that's when he's there for us the most. And he took his son and wrapped him in his arms the whole way home through the rain and whispered "I love you buddy, Dad is going to get you home, it's going to be okay" over and over again.
and that we should know that when we are in pain that God loves us and he knows how to get us home and it's going to be okay.
Since our bible study started watching these videos, I've been interested in Rob Bell.
This quote is from his book Velvet Elvis, and it's amazing... obviously.
Will creation always be like this? Fractured? Chaotic? This has been the question for thousands of years. And central to the Jewish world of Jesus was the belief that God not only hadn’t given up on creation but was also actively at work within it, bringing it back to how he originally intended it to be. The prophets had a way of talking about this restoration movement of God’s. They spoke of God reclaiming the earth and restoring the world. They did not talk about people going somewhere else at the end of time. They talked about God coming here at the end of time.
Notice what Jesus says about the end of the world in Matthew. “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne…”
Jesus uses an important word here: renewal.
Jesus describes his return as rebirth, a regeneration, a renewal.
Remember, when God made the world, he called it good. Why would God destroy something he thinks is good?

….In Jesus, God is putting it all back together.

Of course, I must make it clear that I am not idolizing this man in any way. I do fully comprehend that these amazing words are not his, but God's. But the mouth out of which they flow is a blessing, not only to me, but to everyone who hears them. Okay... that's all.