Saturday, March 17, 2007

I'll pay someone a large sum to kidnap my brother and bring him home

[Molly] Close Your Eyes says: swing dance?
!*Zombie Jesus*! says:
well i need a partner
[Molly] Close Your Eyes says:
i wanna see you swing dance
its so fun
but it doesnt seem like your type of dance
!*Zombie Jesus*! says:
i listen to rock and roll... Rockabilly
[Molly] Close Your Eyes says:
[Molly] Close Your Eyes says:
but I've seen you dance exactly 3 times in my life
[Molly] Close Your Eyes says:
and two of those times were before the age of 16
[Molly] Close Your Eyes says:
the third was a christmas party and the only people there were us and mom and dad