You're here for me 100% and I hope I am just as huge as a support to you.
I will never forget everything you've done for me. You are an amazing person and don't let anyone let you think otherwise. Oh Michellie, I love everything about you. How much fun we have just being grumpy and angry and making fun of dumb girlfriends. "Happy Birthday,I bought you France". Michelle, you always listen to my complaining and I love you for it. You're the loveliest girl ever, and Carlye, Katelyn and I make fun of your little quirks because we love you. ('let's be honest' 'sketchy' 'mhm!' 'no bigs' 'YUCK')

I'll always love you.
No matter what happened/is happening/ has yet to happen I will never forget how much we've been through and how much you've been there for me. No matter what, no questions asked. 100%. and I love you more than anyone. Ever.
It hasn't been a smooth ride, but I don't regret switching to ND at all... it changed my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. IMY babes.

Carlye you're amazing. And you will never let any of us forget it, either.
You tell me the things I can't admit to myself and even though you're brutally honest 24/7, you're also there for me when I need you. I honestly have no clue where I'd be if I hadn't met you, because without you there'd be no church, youth group, Shawn, and about 3/4 of my friends. Thanks for not thinking I was a total creep in socials 11 and actually becoming friends with me... and Rachel and Camille.

Camille, my dear, I owe you my life. You were my first NDSS friend (beside RaeRae)and it was the fastest I ever made a friend. You've always been there for me to tell me the things I don't want to hear and I love you for that.
So you can be a total bitch, but we love you just as you are and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Taryn. So basically we rock the rodeo grounds. And the lame nanaimo malls. I love you so much. We went from best friends in grade 6, to phone friends in grade 7, to pretty much not talking too much until this summer. Then: BOOM! BFFLZ all over again. Most amazing summer ever!
And your visit at christmas was stellar... and very very boring.
You're a province away but you're still one of my very best friends. I tell you everything and I really do rely on my talks with you afterschool each day about boys and friends and how lame it is that you're so far away. Only 5 months until you're here for good. I miss you lovie! You'll always mean so much to me.

I honestly never thought we'd be friends... probably because when I slept over at Carlye's house and you were there you were really mean. But hey, now we're having sleepovers all over the place... and I get to see you cry through an entire movie. Although I must say that I have enough trouble getting to sleep on time without you making me watch silent movies from 1919 until 3am. You're so easy to talk to and I'm pretty sure I would have gone crazy without your pep talks. You're pretty much amazing aaaand I love you. NOW HAVE YOU TALKED TO HIM YET? (jaaaaykaaay)

Oh Jessy... You are the coolest little chickadee. I am so proud of you and you have to know that I'll always be here for ya. You're my accountability partner, but it goes a lot further than phonecalls about scripture... I'll always be here for you whenever you need me. You're an amazing person and you shine so brightly. I am so glad I met you and I'll always remember those great times in math and English... but mostly math. I'll always be your 'Ma-Holla-Back-Girl'

Mr Ben Bergen.
All I can say is, if it weren't for your issue of talking to me through EVERY movie, I would've had a MUCH better mark in English last year. I might forgive you one day. I find it unnaturally easy to talk to you, which is new for me. Most of the time you drive me crazy, and yeah, okay the dating thing didn't work out but I still care about you a whole bunch and pretty much always
will... probably because you drive me crazy, but then are still super sweet, so I can't stay
mad or something. Jerk.
I really do miss having my spare with you... mainly because you can make me laugh... whether I want to or not.Your tie isn't gay (I got yelled at by Rachel for that) kangaroos break the big hands big feet rule and carpets CANNOT vacuum themselves. Thanks for always being there, and I vow
to hang out with you more this summer than last summer. Although last summer you were gone for 2 months and we were smitten and ridiculous so it doesn't count.
heart and such dude.
(And as long as you keep sitting with us girlies (+ Derek... doesn't count as a boy) at lunch, we will continue to eat your food. It's just how it works.)

Mary Marie! I love you! I love you to the ends of the earth. Clearly you and your sister are my favourite twins. I love chilling in your room and talking about boys and school and life. But mostly boys. You're gorgeous and your hair will make you famous one day. Thank you for being there no matter what. You're one of the coolest chickas I know. I'll always look back on bible study days and smile at how we've taken a part in adding one more grey hair to poor Dave Perry's head.

let's face it, we were mortal enemies last year.
I haaaated so many things about you.
And now look at us! Sleepovers, parties at the OFFICIAL Alexander Party House.
We make fun of eachother relentlessly, but you're an amazingly supportive friend when
it comes down to it. Trust me, I would have never thought I'd ever be going to you for advice,
or crying on your shoulder, but you're pretty much my biggest support right now.
Basically, I love you Katelyn.
Outdoor Sex Ed Y'all!
Ooooh Tiffany,
what would I do without you?
While I'm writing this you're on a plane to Greece. I do not dig that.
I love you so much babes, but do you really have to jet off and leave me all on
my lonesome on the winner bus? We totally MAKE the party on l'autobus baby.
Jareth is a total douchebag and racism sucks. Haha. Can't live without you and
we have to stay in touch after highschool. I'm pretty confident we won't be BFFLZ
after grad, but let's be honest, the 10 year reunion will be a blast!

Allyson Dawe how could I have ever disliked you? I've known you almost as long as I've known Rachel (possibly because you live across the street?) can you believe it? I love sitting in Rachel's livingroom and making prank calls to your little sister across the street until she cried... and called you for help. I know that we've had our issues, but I just love you now. Bio was a blast... especially 'helping' eachother on the tests.
I'm going to miss you so much when you move! But you have to stay nanaimo-shaped for at least the summer so we can go swimming at Westwood Lake once more and steal Emily and Kaitlin's water toys... Again. I hope you have more success in Parksville than I did. And I love you til the end of time.
I heart you forever Al

Kaitie you little freak. I've pretty much known you for about 7 years. You've always been annoying, but I've always loved you, deep down.
Everyone thought you'd never grow up, but I had faith. You're a wonderful kid and I just love you. Where's Waldo and Charlie the Unicorn are the defining moments of our friendship. Can't wait til our little roadtrip and you're my bus buddy... because I wouldn't have it any other way. You had better be in my hotel room because I love you.

Deb-a-mite, D-to the Lyn- EXTREME, Debralyn, whatever. I love you so much girlie. You;re such a creep and I'm so happy Rachel and I decided not to hate you, because then we wouldn't have had amazing fashion show, bowling party, spoonzah, hotel room extravaganzas. I hate you because you're not coming on the fantabulous road trip this year, but then again, I blew it off for California once, so I guess Japan can win out once. You're gorgeous and I hope everyone just keeps thinking we're twins.
Aww I just found this, brings back some memories.
Thanks Google :)
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