Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Molly The only way into this stronghold is through the sewer. says:
carlye loves...
Carlye new cell phone on friday! says:
i love you most of the time
Carlye new cell phone on friday! says:
Molly The only way into this stronghold is through the sewer. says:
thats good enough for me
Carlye new cell phone on friday! says:
you know sometimes i want to ring your little neck (a)
Carlye new cell phone on friday! says:
Molly The only way into this stronghold is through the sewer. says:
its okay
its mutual (L)(L)
i just bottle it up
Molly The only way into this stronghold is through the sewer. says:
and because im smart enough to know that you'd hit me
Molly The only way into this stronghold is through the sewer. says:
and i have soft skin, and bruise easily
Molly The only way into this stronghold is through the sewer. says:
so i reason myself out of it