Monday, July 16, 2007

And I hope you will forget the things that I still lack

So the last 48 hours or so have been pretty amazing.
I had a great talk with Caitlyn, I got to see Rain (best Beatles tribute band of all time) and I got to hang out with Tyler for the first time in about a month, which was fantastic; I've missed that kid so much.

But something wonderful happened tonight that definitely topped it all off nicely.
A girl from my grad class, Josi, whom I only talked to at school a few times but is on my facebook friends list and we talk on there every so often, (she left halfway through grade 12 to go to a performing arts school in Vancouver) messaged me out of nowhere, and it completely made my heart soar.

Today at 8:44pm
Hey Molly- I just wanted to tell you I am so happy that you have the faith of God in your heart. Not many people (our age) is on this narrow path of life, but I guarantee it is a very wise choice! God bless you!

It wasn't much, but it was enough. Prior to this, I had no idea what her beliefs were, but it was such a pleasant surprise and it helped ease my headaches almost completely.

I just find so much wonder in the Lord and his ways to repair my sorrowed heart in the most unorthodox and beautiful ways.