I want to go back to that weekend at my aunts house, wrestling with my big brother
laughing with Celidh,; just having a good time. It felt like I was a kid again. Not in the simple sense, but I wasn't scared, I was laughing with my big brother, it was such a distant memory; goofing off with him, and yet still so familiar.
I don't think I'll ever have that relationship with anyone else. I remember growing up I was always aching to spend my time with him, I'd always be knocking down his door and wanting to be involved in whatever he was. He mastered the art of sending me on little missions to get me off his back for awhile (Hey Mols, if oyu go and do all my chores for me, I'll let you play video games with me) and I, in return, soon mastered the art of completing them in the blink of an eye. I didn't care about those videogames at all. I was crummy at them, but it didn't bother me in the least. All I wanted was to spend time with my big brother, be exactly like him; talk like him, eat like him, agree with all his opinions. I was like a little Jacob robot.
He always gave in though, because although he would've denied it, he loved me as much, if not more. He protected me with his life and was never too busy to play barbies or some horrid game with me (although he'd probably STILL deny that).
I'm straying from my topic.
I just want to go back to that fateful day when all my problems vanished. I didn't have to worry about my dead mother or my hospitalized father. I had my big brother back, two of my favourite cousins (I have a lot of cousins) and 2 of the most amazing children on the planet.
Isla and Ewan are my cousins babies... don't call Isla that though, she is 2 and a half and has a larger vocab than me... "Molly, please pull that one, and I shall pull this one and we will go on a walk" [those toys on strings? Yeah. They are her slaves. I think I am, too] and of course, little Ewan, who can barely sit up, but has already masted his first word... Isla. I iesh my first word was my siblings name, not that Isla cares much. Ewan is just a hitch in her quest for world domination. She'll succeed, too. She has something Hitler and the rest lacked. Strawberry blonde hair and turquoise eyes the size of saucers.
But like all things, that weekend ended. I was whisked away, not to my father, but here to this new-ish chapter... definitely the story of my life.
I love my life right now, despite the normal hitches I'm likely to encounter. I mean, just think of everything that's happened in the past 3 years. I'm only 18, I have a long road ahead of me.
And even if my family is a full ferryride away, or my big brother is backpacking through Europe, I'll always know that they're there for me, or, as cheesy as it sounds, forever in my heart.

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