Sunday, July 15, 2007

The storm is coming, the storm is coming in...

Turns out it's easier to talk to amazing Australians about my problems than blog about them.

Molly Now some saint got the job of writing down my sins; the storm is coming, the storm is coming in... says:
I mean I appreciate my friends a lot, and Carlye and Caitlyn are great and all... I love them like crazy, but they have eachother. And with everyone else, most of the time I just feel like I'm lost in the crowd, or written off as unimportant.
I don't really offer much, I'm not one of those people you need to have around for anything, or miss when they're gone. I'm more of a comic relief

Andy says:
I understand how you feel
Andy says:
but believe that in every situation you can contribute something
Andy says:
everywhere that you are, you add something that was never there before you got there and wont be there when you leave
Andy says:
most of the time its just you that decides whether to input that or not
Molly Now some saint got the job of writing down my sins; the storm is coming, the storm is coming in... says:
Wow, that's an optimistic outlook. I like it.
Andy says:
its true
Andy says:
you have a different way of thinking and looking at things than everyone else in the world
Andy says:
without your input, they miss that
Molly Now some saint got the job of writing down my sins; the storm is coming, the storm is coming in... says:
my only input is that of the girl with the dead mom and the dad in the psychiatric hospital...
no one's usually aching for that input

Andy says:
hey now, your looking at the circumstances that have happened to you
Andy says:
sure, that can suck
Andy says:
and isnt always fun
Andy says:
but its your reaction to those things, the growth you've experienced, and your life now that is important to people
Andy says:
thats the outlook I want to hear from
Molly Now some saint got the job of writing down my sins; the storm is coming, the storm is coming in... says:
I'm usually a really upbeat person. I have always been optimistic and I definitely learned a lot from my mom's sickness and her death. I've given my testimony about living your life for God to tons of churches and teen groups, and I mean every word of it. It's only lately that I've felt this way. I just wish that I could pinpoint why
Andy says:
its probably cause your moving into a really important part of your life
Andy says:
and Satan would really love for you to screw it up
Molly Now some saint got the job of writing down my sins; the storm is coming, the storm is coming in... says:
I know
Molly Now some saint got the job of writing down my sins; the storm is coming, the storm is coming in... says:
so do I just pray about it and hope it gets better?
Andy says:
Andy says:
Andy says:
you can for sure
Andy says:
but again, its your reaction to things
Andy says:
my mum always says
Andy says:
"your character is shown through the trials, tribulations, and general crap, its not the trials that bring it out, but rather, your reaction, your life, in response to the trials."
Molly Now some saint got the job of writing down my sins; the storm is coming, the storm is coming in... says:
Your mum is a wise woman, clearly.