Wednesday, July 18, 2007

And in case you were wondering, you are like a sunset to me

So I'm fairly stoked to (possibly) see Chelsey tomorrow.
I like how we've become friends again in the past few months.
I mean, when I think back, she was pretty much my coolest friend at KSS in my last year or so there (but don't tell Chris that).
Even now, as I realize how stupid my fights with Veronica were (it was grade 10 and she was my bestfriend since.. forever... so it obviously seemed like a big deal) she still ended up supporting me. Even if that did just mean yelling things and singing weird songs during walks to the beach during PE.
I was actually looking through my grade 10 yearbook the other day and I found her signature. It talked about "think about me whenever you play 20 questions" and "getting coffee in photography when we probably should've been taking pictures"
I mean, we had fun, and it'll be really cool to see her, but I think it's more than that. I'm not saying the rest of my friends were horrible people, but she had this weird way of making me forget all the dumb stuff I was dealing with. I read my old blog entries from back then, and even though my mom had just died and I would've rather done anything but go to school they always mentioned "If I don't go, Chelsey will kill me"
so maybe she's to thank.
I think it's pretty neat that out of nowhere I'm seeing my old friends again.
Last week I spent the day with Shannon, and albeit, I realized we've both changed a lot, I still managed to have fun with her, and can still appreciate the fact that she was my best friend for a gazillion years and has always been there for me, and probably always will.
...Even if she is dating Morgan Kofoed... weeeeeird.
I'm taking to Chris right now, and I miss him so much. He's probably the biggest phenomenon. Statistics say that we should have stopped talking when I left KSS, but we spent every second of that next summer communicating, and I'd talk to him every single day afterschool. Even though he's in Victoria now, I still talk to him, and he might come stay with me later in the summer. I miss that kid more than life.
Sometimes, I think he and Taryn are my guardian angels.
They started out as those kids in my grade 6 homeroom class.
I didn't even become really close to Chris until grade 9, but Taryn moved away to Alberta in grade 7. We stay in touch through phonecalls and a little msn, but kind of keep our distance.
Then, out of nowhere, she comes to visit last summer and we have an amazing time.
We share all our worries, boy troubles (ugh, teenager-dom) and friend fiascos over the phone and in person. Now she's moving back to BC and even LIVING WITH JESSY! It's definitely a crazy world and it's taught me that even though I don't necessarily associate myself with my old Qualiworld Universe, the friends I made from age 6 to 16 will always be a necessity.