Saturday, July 14, 2007

Rock bottom's where we live, and still we dig these trenches

So tonight is the VERY necessary girl's night out.
However, since us girls (ie. Carlye, Katelyn, Caitlyn and I)are only 17 and non-drinkers, the closest we got was sleeping outside. We have this huge mosquito net tent set up on the balcon above the trampoline and we've been taking pictures and watching seasons of the office on Carlye's laptop (no one said we were ROUGHING it).
So far, it's been really fun.
I don't know what's going to happen in September.
Caitlyn leaves for the War College, Deanna leaves for Scotland.
Yeah, the rest of the crew will still be here; Carlye, Katelyn and I have no real plans, Mike and Tyler will still be in their last year at highschool, Michelle will be back in Nanaimo... but what happens when more and more people slowly mve out of the picture. I know things have to change, trust me, I know that better than anyone, but can't I have someone stick by me on my journies. As I type this, the answer becomes clear; God is here. He is omniscient and eternal. I know that and I appreciate that... but it doesn't mean I'm not still scared.
Lord, thank you for always being there. Thanbk you for keeping me safe and alive another day, and thank you for all my friends, they are such a blessing. Please help me to turn to you when I am scared or lonely or feeling angry or pessimistic. Please be my ultimate best friend forever.
I love you and I'm grateful that I will NEVER lose you.